How did you meet?
We met through a dating site specifically for farmers.
How many animals do you have on the farm?
On the farm, we have 10 horses, 45 dairy cows, 30 young cattle and calves, 5 goats, 2 sheep, 5 pigs, 2 donkeys, several chickens, multiple cats, guinea pigs, rabbits, and 2 dogs.
Why did you become a farmer?
Bart grew up with farming and took over the business. It’s his life, passion, and hobby. Floor grew up with horses. That’s her passion, but she loves working with all the other animals too.
What does a typical workday look like?
We start at 6:00 AM with milking. At 8:00 AM, the kids go to school, and then we welcome the young people in care. At 9:00 AM, we feed the animals. After that, we maintain the farmyard and often have discussions related to care work. At 3:00 PM, the young people go home, and we spend time with our children. After dinner, we milk the cows again, give the kids a bath, and put them to bed. By 8:00 PM, we're done. We then relax and review the day. The farm runs 7 days a week.
What do you like most about your job and what do you like the least?
The best part of our job is being outside a lot and being our own bosses. We also really enjoy the contact with people and animals.
The hardest part is that it’s not always easy to combine work with social life and planning outings. The less pleasant tasks are the unexpected ones, like when the fence breaks or answering emails.
What does a FarmCamps farmer actually do on top of all the other work you already do?
During the FarmCamps season, more happens at once, there’s more staff, and more activities. We work longer days, but there’s also more positive energy when you have happy children and satisfied guests around. Campfire nights are always fun and cozy!
Why did you want to become a FarmCamper?
We enjoy sharing farm life and our unique place with others.
What’s the best thing you’ve experienced with FarmCamps guests?
When calves are born, the great conversations around the campfire, and loading hay with the whole campsite.
Favorite vacation:
Uhhh... no idea, just being home with the animals.
Favorite hobbies:
Floor loves horseback riding, and Bart’s work is his hobby.
Favorite food:
BBQ and pasta.
Favorite animal:
Bart's favorite animal is the cow, and Floor's is the horse.
Our FarmCamps farms are located throughout the Netherlands. Curious? You can find them all on our handy farms page.